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Chocolate & Cacao Tasting Experiences in Colombia, Cuba, & Spain

Learn everything there is to know about chocolate in Colombia, the land of irresistibly rich cacao! What’s cacao, you ask? It’s the magical bean that turns into everyone’s favorite treat—chocolate! Colombia is considered to produce the highest quality cacao on the planet, and now innovative chocolatiers are setting up operations there.

You’ll learn the entire process from harvesting cacao to producing amazing delicious treats. You’ll see how these amazing beans start off as colorful pods hanging from trees. Then, we’ll move to the fun part—making chocolate! Tour an innovative Bogota small batch chocolate factory run by a trained sommelier to see how to grind cacao, mix in sugar, and maybe a pinch of secret ingredients, and turning those beans into something truly scrumptious. You may even get to mold your own chocolate bar or whip up a delicious hot cocoa, for the full hands-on experience.

You’ll also learn the economics of cacao and chocolate production in Colombia, how cacao cultivation is being used as an alternative cash crop to divert remote farmers from illicit drug cultivation. This is a cultural learning experience that tastes great!

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